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Monday, May 14, 2012

The Cure for Disease

There is a simple cure for
Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinson Disease, All Timers Disease, Cramps, Blindness, Obesity, Baldness, Skin Cancer, Arthritic, High Blood Pressure, Clef Pallets, Allergy, Asthma, ADD, ADHD, Insomnia, Osteoporosis, PMS, Birth Defects, Depression, Hemroids, Aortic Aneurysms, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Grey hair,  ext..  ext...

There are 90 Essential Nutrients  
60 Minerals
16 Vitamins
12 Amino Acids
3 Fatty Acids
Your body cannot manufacture these Nutrients and they must be consumed every single day as food or by supplements. 
If any one of these Essential Nutrients is missing from your diet for several week to several years it will be the cause of a variety of 1000 disease in your body.

Every American suffers from some measure of malnutrition because the Essential Nutrients your body needs is not found in the farmlands and artificially enhanced foods and can only be taken by supplements. 
This is because intense farming by fertilizers leave the Ground empty of  Essential Nutrients and artificial ingredients leave the food we eat empty of Vitamins and Minerals. For the past 100 years we have increased the beauty and yield of the food but it has no value in the body and its missing vital minerals
 This massive empty food rush has led to the death of millions of Americas by a variety of diseases that stem from the lack of these 90 Essential Nutrients in your body.  This has also created a dysfunctional health care system that feeds on the sick and dieing.

It is possible to offset or cure these diseases by massive supplementation and restrictions of foods in your diet every day for long periods of time. You also must consider your exposure to chemicals, BPA in plastics and water fluoridation. But you may see results anywhere from a few weeks to 90 days. 
  1.  90 Essential Nutrients  which  includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine, Ultimate EFA Plus, Osteo fx Plus.
  2. Restrict the diet to eliminate proceed foods, and foods that contain oils of any kind, trans fatty acids, processed meats with nitrates and nitrites, margarine, sugars, sodas, fried foods, artificial ingredients, synthetic essential nutrients, fluoridated water .
  3. Eliminate contact with Chemicals, BPA plastics, fertilizers, toxic waste.
  4. Increase organic foods in milk, fruits, vegetables, nuts, purified water, daily eggs, red meats.
Proargi 9 plus is  an Essential Nutrient but is focused on filling the body with L-arginine  producing nitric oxide which cures heart disease and clears plaques in the blood stream.


Discussed Cures Above
All Cures are based on 90 Essential Nutrient supplementation and a restricted and altered diet and under the assumption that the doctor knows nothing about nutrition.  The food you eat has no minerals.

Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis - is due to Calcium deficiency and is considered to be Osteoporosis of the joint end of the bones. Take Ground  chicken cartilage, Chondroitin Sulfate, Glucosamine Sulfate, Collagen to regrow bone and  cartilage, the pain killers and anti inflammatories just cover the symptoms.
Carbonated Drinks - neutralizes stomach acid and stops the absorption of minerals, digest protein, and does not absorb vitamins and B12 into the body.
1 carbonated drink a day increases Osteoporosis by 500%  the older you are.
Stomach Acid - Any antacids in the stomach like Tums stops the abortion of food to the body and you cant digest the food properly which leads to malnutrition and the lack of nutrition causes other diseases.
Aortic Aneurysm -  is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the veins to break down. This creates balloons in the veins  which may be dangerous if positioned in the brain. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Grey Hair  - is due to a copper deficiency. Copper is a co-factor to produce pigment in the hair no matter what color hair you have. Take colloidal copper.
Crows Feet - is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the face to break down. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Sagging Anatomy -  is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the body to break down. Face lifts, tummy tucks, booby lifts, butt lifts just cover the symptoms. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Varicose Veins - is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the veins to break down. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Hemroids - is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the body to break down. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Wrinkles -  is due to a Copper deficiency and causes the elastic fibers in the skin to break down. Take colloidal copper to rebuild the fibers.
Cardiomyopathy Heart Attack - is due to Selenium deficiency.
Sweat - causes a loss of 60 Essential Minerals through the skin and leads to Heart Attacks, Aneurysms Diabetes and  various other diseases.
Diabetes - is due to Chromium Vanadium deficiency and can be cured in animals by Chromium Vanadium Supplements.
Cartilage, Ligaments, Tendons, Connective Tissue Bone Injury - is due to a lack of Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, Zinc, Sulfur, and other minerals.
Liver Spot, Age Spots - is due to Selenium deficiency.
Leg Cramps, Toe Cramps, Foot Cramp - is due to Calcium deficiency.
Osteoporosis - is due to Calcium deficiency.
Receding Gums, Periodontitis, Gingivitis, Pyorrhea, Loose Teeth, Bridges and plates - is due to Calcium deficiency and is considered to be osteoporosis of the face and the jaw bone.
Hypertension High Blood Presser - 85% is due to Calcium deficiency not the salt.
Insomnia - is due to Calcium deficiency.
Kidney Stone, Bone Spurs, Heal Spurs, Calcium Deposits - is due to Raging osteoporosis and a Calcium deficiency. Take more Calcium and more Magnesium.
PMS - can be 85% cured by 3 times the RDA of Calcium.
Low Back Pain - Is not due to disk problems It is due to Calcium deficiency.
Metallic Minerals - Oster Shells, Limestone, Coral Calcium, Sea Bed Minerals, Clay's, Tums, Lactate, Gluconates, Citrates, Oxides, Sulfates, can not replace Minerals derived from plants, Grains, vegetables, Fruits and nuts.

Farmers only fertilize the land with 3 minerals, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and the plants need 60.
If the land does not have the minerals then the plants don't have them ether and we cant absorb the minerals which leads to disease. The only replacement is by Supplementation of the 90 essential nutrients which fights and cures diseases.
The FOOD is beautiful but there is no value. 


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