Barack Obama was instrumental in this change and has shown himself to have no respect for the law but the law of islam under a radical form of socialism communism and will establish the foundation of the economic collapse in the coming years that will bring a New World Order
The president affirms disrespect and arrogance in celebration of gay marriage by a symbolic gay rainbow over the white house and sexual corruption in congress as the nation forms a black hole of pornography over the land that establishes a culture of death and hopelessness.
From my calculations the tribulation may begin around the year 2025 but others predict it around the year 2017 the sign will be a constellation in heaven or the catching away of a small group of people but the majority of all the church will stay during the tribulation to minister to the lost as they where commissioned to do so because the church is walking in disobedience.
Do what you can with the time we have left as the nation will decent into a pit of hell. Cast off anything that stops you from fulfilling the call to the ministry including your selfish lifestyle and minister to the people in any way you can.