Lindsey Williams discusses new information from a new elite informant for the future of America after the year 2016 which will change the world forever.
Donald Trump will not be allowed to be the next president. If he becomes the president he may charge Obama and Hillary with investigations of treason and dismantle Obamacare and other legislation over the years that serve the elites.
To achieve this they have two options
- If possible eliminate trump from the election so Hillary Clinton can win the election and keep there crimes from the public.
- Allow terrorist attacks from ISIS to occur in June July so Barack Obama can call for martial law and cancel the election and continue to build the NWO
and as anyone knows they will not stop until they get what they want and they will use any means necessary to remove Donald Trump from the equation in 2017 and Lindsey Williams made it clear that the elite do not believe America will last one more year for the economic collapse and when it hits it will be at lightning speed so be grateful for any time of delay.
Get Food and water and medicine any means of protecting your family