Vladimir Putin is warning the west that the globalist elite control the media and are manipulating the people into war with Russia as America moves arms to Russian borders and destabilizes Ukraine and funds radical terrorism to destabilizes the entire middle east. He clearly states that Isis was established by American arms.
It is very clear that the globalist controlled media is covering up every detail that does not fit into there agenda and will use and manipulate any event necessary to disarm the public to establish a global dictatorship. Dont believe there lies prepare for the tribulation its coming soon
Please help with a donation if you want thank you
Revelation is decoded 2017 will begin revelation chapter 12 and so on Maby around 2023 a nuclear event will take place and then a full economic collapse preparing the way for the coming time of the tribulation around 2027 as the antichrist will reveal himself if not sooner until the middle of the tribulation 2033 all fallen angles of heaven will fall to the earth via the dragon and all demons from the pit will rise to the earth via the false prophet and gather the Muslim and Jewish nations via the beast from the sea to seek and kill all Christians via the woman who birth the man child via a group of children ruptured before the tribulation
Our greatest concern is to gather ways to get food and water and energy without the help of government and protect ourselves in strong shelters that can survive an earthquake. I would say to the church you get and take all the money but will you feed the poor with words ?