Steve Meyers is an investment analyst advisory to the CIA and he is warning people of an economic collapse of the united states economy that may begin June 18, 2015 and will create an economic depression that will last for 25 years that will lead to the fall of the American Empire. This will lead to the fall of the American dollar as the world reserve currency and will lead to global anarchy and war and our government is preparing itself for military action against the American people.
Steve Meyers states that the Federal debt is not possible to pay back and will lead to a crash
Steve Meyers states that the real unemployment rate is at 23 %
Steve Meyers also states that he believes the dollar will not last until the next president in 2017.
Based on the current information wealthy Americans are preparing themselves for the future economic collapse of the dollar but i say how dare they live in splendor and carelessness as they watch the millions of souls perish before their eyes in the safety of there ill gotten wealth which they have locked away in there vaults of pleasure. The Rich man Ruler will see justice in the depths of hell.
If you are reading this Wake Up and do something with real value.
illustrated visions of aa allen, william branham, dumitru duduman, David E Taylor, Ken Peters , john mcternan, john kilpatrick, Henry Gruver, tom deckard, john paul jackson, about the destruction of america by russia and the timelines leading to the last days tribulation and the return of jesus. i am an artist illustrating visions from the lord given to prophets and ministers. Thank you for your support.
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